Manga, a certain style of Japanese comics or graphic novels, started to develop in the late 19th century. Steve, an excellent map designer in Hampshire, adopted this particular style to maps. Here’s the result:
This map isn’t specifically about Winchester, it works anywhere in the world, though I think the blocky cathedral in front of St. Giles Hill works quite well.
You can move the map to different areas of town. Have fun exploring Winchester as a cartoon!
More about Winchester Maps.
for Steve: really like the Manga map of Winchester. Is it to scale? especially the height of the buildings. I would like to make a 3d model in card of the central part of Winchester and would like to discuss ….
I believe the building heights are ‘representative’ and provide a simple extrusion. Some buildings, including the cathedral, are represented by multiple extruded blocks. This is called a ‘Level of Detail 1’, which is the lowest level of 3D building representations.